iPhone X Coming Soon!

As September nears, we ready ourselves for the announcement of the latest and greatest Apple will offer. We may not always be in the market for a new device, but we are always curious about what we will be missing if we don’t upgrade.

So what is coming? No one really knows…outside of Apple of course. The rest of us wait and wade through rumors. We will try to decipher actual data from gossip, in anticipation of the big reveal.

Here’s What We Are Hearing

Andrew Griffin, from independent.co.uk, writes that this year we can expect three iPhones are being launched. Likely, the iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus, as expected. However, there is a rumored third phone that will carry a large price tag and is expected to have WOW factor. “That phone – variously rumoured to be called the iPhone Pro, iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone Edition or even Apple Phone – is probably going to be the thing everyone’s talking about after Apple’s launch in September.”

Griffin goes on to say, he expects the iPhone7s and iPhone 7s Plus will “be much more in the mold of recent updates. They’ll probably feature the same outside design, with an upgraded camera, chip and other internal parts.” He continues to address the rumors and indicates his feelings that almost all the gossip about the iPhone X is likely. Including: Depth-sensing cameras, new display technology, a screen that wraps over the front of the phone-among others.

MacRumors.com reports that “rumors suggest Touch ID will either be built into the display or eliminated entirely in favor of facial recognition technology, which Apple is confirmed to be working on.” The article goes on to mention that the display will be a plastic OLED which will allow for a thinner device and lower power consumption. They also noted that the new iPhone X will have a glass body instead of an aluminum body.

Inside the glass shell, the new iPhone X is “expected to have a 10-nanometer A11 chip that will be both faster and more efficient, plus rumors suggest it could also include features like induction-based wireless charging and biometric additions like facial recognition that would be used for device security, perhaps to replace Touch ID,” states MacRumors.com

At the end of the day, we have a lot of rumors and no real proof. Until launch day, Apple will be closely guarding their secrets and we will be digging around for cracks, hoping for a leak. Will or won’t there be a home button, a wrapped screen, a cutout at the top of the display for the ear speaker, camera, and sensors? Will there be three devices launched? What will they be named? Will any of them have wireless charging? The questions far out number the known facts…but that is nothing new.

We end where we started. Knowing little…wanting more.


The iPhone X case is coming soon. Get on the list!