Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Our Mission Statement

The cornerstone of our commitment to our social responsibility obligations is Sustainability. This commitment permeates and binds together our interactions with our employees, our entire supply chain and our customer community. We place a special emphasis on the sustainable aspects in our choices of materials, in the development and evolution of our products and our manufacturing processes, and on the reduction of our carbon footprint whenever and wherever possible. In our relentless pursuits of quality and of innovation, we remain constantly focused on any impacts our actions may have on the environment and on all peoples involved.

Reducing Our Footprints

Through our constant evolution of the innovative surface decoration systems we manufacture we ensure that the materials we use and the consumable products we sell in our systems have no adverse environmental impacts, are recyclable, and, by operating faster, reduce the costs of energy use. By providing and enhancing our print-on-demand capabilities, we help our own manufacturing operations and those of our customers to manage and reduce inventory stockpiles, and, by filling orders in our and our customers’ locations closest to the final destinations of the finished goods, we reduce our and their carbon footprints. We are committed to continuously improving these processes and practices as our technologies and material science advance.

Our Commitment to Product Quality and Excellence

We, and our global supply chain partners, are committed to constantly improving our processes, practices, and products, from initial development and design through to manufacture and delivery. We make sustainability an integral part of our R&D design processes, materials selection and production.

All our materials, finished products and manufacturing processes are audited by and certified as compliant with all applicable statutes, regulations and industry standards by Intertek, one of the most reputable of the leading technical auditing firms in the world. This program of factory audits and product certifications helps us to ensure that we build continuous improvement into all that we do.

Our Commitments to Our Employees and to Our Global Social Responsibilities

We, and our supply chain partners, are committed to meeting and to continuously improving on the highest standards of product development, manufacture and delivery. We focus on three distinct goals: optimal customer benefit; highest employee health and safety standards (EHS) in all our workplaces; and maximum environmental compatibility.

Along with and in addition to workplace EHS audits required by many of our customers, we value our membership in amfori:BSCI – the worldwide Business Social Responsibility Initiative – whose systems of auditing and of continuous improvement program whose programs will help us to ensure our compliance with the highest standards of employee health and safety, but also that we are compliant with the global work of the Fair Labor Association and its initiatives to eradicate slavery, forced labor, child labor and harassment and abuse in the workplace, and the promotion of health and safety and suitable work environments for employees. We will continue our open dialogues with our customers to understand their needs and requirements in these thereby allowing us to continue our successful development of products and services that are both sustainable and provide competitive advantages in the marketplace.

Senior Management’s Commitment

We commit that our Sustainability Program and Social Responsibility initiatives will remain as a part of the agenda for our monthly senior management meeting and those of our Board of Directors.


October 2021